Freediving Islands East of Flores: Underwater Photo Gallery

Freediving the Islands East of Flores: Underwater Photo Gallery

Given the choice, I’d much rather shoot underwater with natural light.

This means staying less than thirty feet deep and really paying attention to the way the sun is hitting the water to get the maximum effect.

Luckily, most of the dive spots we visited on the Seven Seas East of Flores trip were perfect for shallow water photography – epecially snorkeling or freediving.

My friend Corey from way back since Peace Corps joined me on the trip and was up for a bit of underwater modeling. She’s been a waterwoman all her life so she made it look very easy to be diving below the massive volcano in a thousand feet of water at Komba or checking out the confetti schools of anthias on a beautiful rock outcrop we came across.

Check out the gallery below to see the photo highlights, or see the all the photo galleries from our East of Flores liveaboard dive trip – from scuba diving, to aerial photos, to freediving, to island culture, to portraits of the people who live in this amazing place. You can also see galleries from other Seven Seas liveaboard dive trips – my absolute favorite way to explore the awesome natural beauty and unique cultures of Indonesia.